Sunday, August 28, 2011

Danny Tenaglia @ Stereo - August 27, 2012

Danny Tenaglia is a legend and don’t forget it, and this sole status gives him the right to do whatever he wants when at Stereo, and it really doesn’t matter what he does, he is always able to bring almost everyone to euphoria with his musical choice.  I say almost everyone because there will be always people that won’t fully enjoy the musical voyage chosen for the evening, either because they are expecting to hear more Techno, or because they didn’t like the way Tenaglia was remixing.

Regardless of what anyone say, I totally enjoy my evening at Stereo, and love how Tenaglia even looped his own voice in one of his remixes.  Danny has just finished one of his speeches and next thing you know he is using one of his phrases in the remix look, which I found really cool.

Unlike other evenings I arrive at 5:00am and Danny Tenaglia was pumping the crowd with house/techno music, and how can you resist those tunes?  Right away I got down to the dance floor, which was flowing in such a beautiful way, there was space to dance even thought the club was packed.

Magical magical magical, is the only way I can describe my *** (insert the number here) experience with Tenaglia, since the first time I heard him at the Black & Blue many years ago, to the first time at Stereo, then Parking, every single occasion has been magical, and this last time was once again magical.

Tenaglia warned us during the morning workout his music was going to be inconsistent, and thanked everyone once gain for letting him be himself, and the only thing he promised was that the inconsistence was going to be consistence, taking us in a musical journey that perhaps not even Tenaglia knew where was going to end up.

I can tell you there were many New Yorkers that did the trip to Montreal, and one of them was really feeling herself and decided to get up in one of her friends and take off her t-shirt. I just looked at her and with a big smile told myself “good for her”.  She tried part deux of her showcase but unfortunately she was stopped by security, I don’t think it was because he nudeness but more likely due to security reasons, we don’t want to see people falling from other people’ shoulders right?

On top of that, there was someone that decided to bring baby powder to the dance floor, and it has been years since I’ve experienced it.  Have you ever had the chance to dance on a dance floor semi covered with baby powder? It is so easy, it is so smooth, one more thing to add to this magical journey.

Tenaglia brought the best of the best to Stereo, it was as if he was giving us a tribute of his career, we heard everything and anything, and correct me if I’m wrong but I believe he was playing harder at the beginning of his set, then became more mellow, and up again, and down again, I just know I couldn’t stop dancing, and I didn’t even know what time it was and couldn’t care less because I just wanted to enjoy my time with my friends, with the music, letting my body sweat as it should in these big occasions.

There were many flash back moments, when Tenaglia would play that classic song, and everyone would start singing, and others when you would just look at people and see their faces saying “WTF” and “WOW” and keep on dancing.

The mix of people were just what I expect from Stereo, old timers and new timers feeling the music in one wave, not synchronized but hearing the same language and equally enjoying themselves.

At one point I remember looking at my watch and it was already noon and I was still dancing as if I had just arrived, but by this time I knew if I were to sit down it would be a problem because my legs would realize they exist and they need to rest.

I know what you are saying, and yes, this review is so inconsistent, traveling back and forth as if there was no beginning or end, but perhaps I’m writing in this style because that’s how I felt during this evening, so forgive me for not been as consistent as Tenaglia.

I almost got in trouble with security, they caught me filming and politely ask me to stop, which I did and this is why you will only see one video of this evening.  Don’t think I had a professional camera with me, it was thanks to Apple with their gadgets.

What a marvelous experience I had once again at Stereo with Tenaglia & Co. It is always get to meet up with some old friends, and new ones as well, and see their faces full of euphoria while listening to a master of music do his job. I just imagine what my face looked like because several time I would just look up and say WOW.

My understanding is that Tenaglia was still spinning at 6:00pm and I have no idea what time he ended the party, just to show how much love he has for Stereo and Stereoheads, one place where he can really be himself, and the same goes for everyone else as well.

Thank you Tenaglia, thank you friends, and thank you Stereo

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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