Hear - it was nice to see Hear having a lot of fun in the decks, nevertheless I thought he was playing too loud, probably he didn’t notice it, but it was hurting my hears Mr. Hear.
Guy Gerber - I’ve been wanting to see Guy Gerber at Stereo since I saw him at Igloofest 2 years ago. I missed him in New York City last year when I went down for the Electric Zoo Fest, he was spinning at an after party, and you have no idea how excited I was when I heard he was going to play at one of my favorites clubs in the planet. Couldn’t wait for the day to arrive and it finally did.
Stereo was already busy by the time Gerber arrived, and there was a technical issue because silence for a minute or two while they were checking the wires up there. Hear was asked to continue the party for a bit longer until they resolved the issue delaying Gerber’s take over.
Afterwards I learned there was a technical issue with one of Gerber’s delay pedals (google it) and synths, and the boys improvised by using Gerber’s kaos pad on his iPad (more googling).

Let me divide the set in two, it began with a boom and I was expecting a bigger follow up, instead it went into boring-land and I actually had to remove myself from the dance floor a couple of times, just watching what was going on, and hoping for an improvement.
The second half is when it got interesting, because this is when I started to hear the Guy I’ve been dreaming about. I’m sure the technical issues Guy encountered affected his performance at Stereo, and in no way I will cross him over from my special list, he is still there, and I really hope I get to see him soon because I know he will prove me wrong next time. The music was deep, progressive and unique, very nice flow but for me it was lacking the fascinating touch as when I heard him last time.
Ben Klock - no expectations, and I wasn’t planning to stick around for his set, and I actually almost left before he took over the stage. 10 minutes before 7:00am and silence, the torch had been passed and this blond god decided to just hit everyone in the building with a delicious dub proggy techo.
I can’t get over how awesome Ben Klock set was at Stereo. Hard, thick and strong techno down our throats. He sent me back to Berlin, to revisited my night at Berghain, the temple of Techno. One difference is that I find the Berlin techno to be darker, like house music is in Montreal, but Klock brought up this different techno one that was dark and clear at the same time, a sound that just kept me dancing even if my legs were telling me to stop.
I haven’t seen a deejay abuse those Stereo speakers as Ben did on Saturday morning, and he didn’t only abuse the speakers, but also the entire dance floor, it was ridiculous and I loved every single inch of his talent. Stereo please I need more. Please do a favour and bring us more of the same more often.
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