Monday, April 07, 2008

Climaxxx - Blackout Edition with Danny Torrence

You might be thinking "...but Chus and Ceballos..." yes sir, the Spaniards will be at Stereo the night before, but it doesn't mean anything because Danny Torrence is hosting the Saturday night. Difficult choice between picking one night over the other, and I know many of you will actually dance both nights. Climaxxx the Blackout Edition - what is it?

Quoted from Danny's posting at MTLNIGHTS
"I wanted to do something different. By blackout we wanted to do a different theme and spice things up. Everyone dressed up in purple, black, blue, basically dark colors to add a different dimension to the usual party. Decor and lighting will be geared accordingly as well.

should make for a cool thing i know for sure it will at least be be different.

hope to c u there - Danny Torrence"

I've been feeling a little bit in the dark mood lately, and for what I can see Danny probably will be laying a super dark and sexy night, is this what I need?

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