Monday, October 19, 2009

DJ Andre Garça - Rio de Janeiro

so boys and girls, I received this set from Andre Garça, a deejay from Rio de Janeiro, and I think you should add it to your music list. He is a DJ resident of E.NJOY, one of the most famous parties in Rio, and who knows, maybe we'll see him over here one of these days.

DJ Set - "Love, Games & Rumours"

for more information about Andre, just follow the link below


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

It's already on mine!


Andre Garça said...

Thank you!!!! I´m so glad reading this lines...

"Music is my salvation"!


DJ Andre Garça

Robson Beckett said...

It has talent, good taste and understands and I adore!