Sunday, December 16, 2007

Steve 'Bear' Sas & Hector Romero @ Stereo, December 15, 2007

I'll be short and to the point. Arrived at Stereo around 4:00am and the Bear was doing a fantastic job warming up the crowd, talk about Full Body Workout, I couldn't wait for Hector's set. 5:00am and no Hector, I thought maybe he didn't make it to Montreal because the Winter storm, but wait a second, the storm had just began at the time I woke up.

Don't know what time it was but finally Hector took control of the place, and then ... nothing. He went back to a "warm up" set, very disappointing because I really wanted to sweat as in a full body work out, but didn't get it at all. Lots of build ups but nothing after that. Waited and waited and finally I gave up at around 8:20am when I decided it was better to go down to Stereo bar and dance to the tunes of Danny Torrence.

Thank you Danny, you saved my night, that is what I call music. Left Stereo bar at around 2:00pm and the place was still rocking.

I really don't know what happened with Hector Romero, he is usually very good, but hey, everyone has their night off eh?

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